Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Weather Gremlin Strikes Again

That old mean gremlin has been playing a nasty game with Minnesota this winter.  He forced us to cancel our January meeting; and we missed a program on horticultural therapy that might have warmed our spirits.  Here is a link to speaker Jane Larson's website, where you will find a number of articles about horticultural therapy. (

Now, to help everyone think warm thoughts, here are a few pictures snagged from the web.  Think Spring!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Holiday Festivities

Approximately 27 AAUW members, spouses, and friends gathered at Summit Place on December 14 for our annual Holiday Celebration. We feasted on delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts, and played a challenging round of trivia. Team 3, led fearlessly by Barbara Cohen, won the contest, and each team member received special ‘Land of 10,000 Lakes’ mints as their prize. It was an evening of good food, good conversation, and quite a bit of brainwork; but was definitely enjoyed by all who attended. And we’re looking forward to next year, and the next challenge!